The Bureau of Immigration (BI), in a press release dated August 8, 2020, has clarified that foreign nationals are allowed to enter the Philippines anytime subject to visa requirements and other documents needed as supporting evidence for travel reasons.
Bureau of Immigration Philippines
The Bureau of Immigration (BI), in a press release dated July 24, has reimplemented travel ban for outbound Filipinos provided that the travel falls under the non-essential category. The bureau, however, made exceptions from the restriction.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI), in an accreditation advisory dated July 21, addresses transactions using old BI Accreditation Identification Cards (IDs), application for renewal, and claiming of newly-issued Accreditation IDs.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI), in a press release on May 4, declared exemptions from suspended BI transactions and qualifications on waived penalties of those applying for visa extension.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) declared, in a press release on March 27, that foreign nationals are now temporarily allowed to depart the Philippines even without an Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR-I Card), given that they have an approved and implemented visa.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced that it will resume stamping arrival and departure stamps on regular e-passports of nationals from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
On Wednesday, July 24, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) alerted the people of the nation to be wary of ‘fixers’ and nonaccredited travel agents who peddle their assistance and ‘short-cut’ services in exchange for fees.
The Bureau of Immigration reminds foreign nationals residing or visiting the Philippines to refrain from engaging in any political activity in the country.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) recently issued new guidelines on the granting of Special Work Permits and Provisional Work Permits to foreigners who intend to work in the Philippines.
Commissioner Jaime Morente of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) is currently pushing for the passage of a new immigration law that will help the agency effectively impose penalties against erring airlines.